Sunday, January 10, 2010

Banner Letters How Can You Make Large Letters For A Banner?

How can you make large letters for a banner? - banner letters

In fact, this is a header of a poster for a science project in school before - I forgot, it's been a while since


msmaryan... said...

Labels, stickers required letter, go to the store for art supplies or craft store next to you can jump. The printer? You need a printer, the expansion in the use of word processing, then have, and boom, instant big letters.

mike c said...

You mean, sure the pencil lines, very light guide and a 'test' run to ensure that the cards are all on the same line and in shape?
a ruler and pencil
Hop on now

Golden said...

I would like to write letters to one pair per page in Word, then cut and paste / paste on the map

darcot said...

Cirlce do with a ruler and could, with a cup

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